Monday, March 21, 2016

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Company Tax Cuts to Benefit Workers, Economy, Arthur Sinodinos Says

Federal Labor has called on the Coalition to reveal its plans on company tax, after a senior Turnbull Government minister spelled out the case for reducing the burden on business.

Key points:

Arthur Sinodinos says cutting corporate taxes has positive flow on effects He says it encourages investment from overseas He maintains it leads to higher wages for workers, higher employment The Government has backed away from delivering personal tax relief in the May budget, but the option of corporate tax cuts remains.

Cabinet Secretary Arthur Sinodinos said cutting corporate taxation would benefit workers along with the economy.

"Putting money into the hands of consumers obviously encourages more spending and disposable income and has good incentive effects. But cutting company taxes also has good effects," Senator Sinodinos said.

"It can encourage investment, it can encourage higher productivity.

"There are lots of studies that show that that ultimately leads to higher GDP in the economy and higher wages for workers."......... Read More


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