Saturday, March 12, 2016

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White House Says UK's David Cameron Remains an Ally Despite Diplomatic Flap With US on Libya

The White House has praised British Prime Minister David Cameron as a "partner and ally", as the US seeks to extinguish a diplomatic flap involving comments made by President Barack Obama.

Comments made by Mr Obama on the UK's role in the 2011 Libya intervention have been widely interpreted as a rebuke to Mr Cameron.

The US President values deeply the special relationship between the United States and our allies in the UK White House spokesman Josh Earnest

The US President was also critical of former French leader Nicolas Sarkozy when discussing the two European allies' roles in Libya during an interview with The Atlantic magazine.

In the article, Mr Obama said Mr Cameron became "distracted" and Mr Sarkozy wanted to promote his country amid the fall of Muammar Gaddafi's regime..... Read More


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